Privacy Policy


At, we take online privacy and security concerns seriously. At the same time, we are continuously working to make your experience an entertaining, pleasant, and satisfying one. To accomplish these goals, we need to obtain some information from you when you use our site. This privacy policy will tell you how and when we collect information through our website and how this information will be used.

All personal credit information entered is protected through the use of Secure Server technology. This ensures that personal information such as credit card information cannot be read, intercepted, or hacked as the information travels over the Internet. Therefore, we feel you can have complete confidence in the security of your transactions while shopping with


Data controller (organization) means “the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.”

Data subject (individual) means an identifiable natural person “who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, or an online identifier.”

Personal data means “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’).” The Regulation states this also includes online identifiers such as IP addresses and cookies.

Data processor (service providers) “a person, public authority, agency or another body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.” An example is a Cloud provider that offers data storage. complies with all six general principles when processing personal data. The personal data shall be:

Processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently
Collected only for specific legitimate purposes
Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary
Stored only as long as is necessary
Must be accurate and kept up to date
Ensure appropriate security, integrity, and confidentiality
Additional Protection for Children

Consent from a child concerning online services is only valid if authorized by a parent. A child is someone below the age of 16; Within the Data Protection Bill, the UK Government is reducing the age to 13.

Part I. Information Collection and Security collects information for internal use within the business only. We will not sell, rent, or disclose any information related to you to any company outside for such company’s own marketing or other commercial use, without obtaining your permission.

We collect personal information from you through our web site only when you:

Register a New Account

Add sub-users to your membership account
Purchase a service, product, program or solution
Sign up for our newsletter
Access our online content (Text, audio, and Video)
Request information or send an email using our online Contact Form. collects personal information on our web site submitted by registered Members

(users) with consent. Such information may include:(users) with consent. Such information may include: First Name
Last Name
Birth Details (Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Place of Birth, City and Country of Birth)
Current Location (City and Country of Birth)
Credit / Debit card Information (in encryption Mode)
Billing Address
Shipping Address
Phone Number and Skype ID
Email Address

Purchase Information (Products purchased, the amount spent and order date) Other information may include; user-submitted news and events, uploaded photos, profiles, private messages, and blog posts. The information is collected by the voluntary submittal of such by registered Members (users).

Your user id and password will ensure that you are the only one who can access the account. However, it remains your responsibility to ensure no unauthorized access to your account. It is also your responsibility to ensure that no minor can access your account.

We will use your email address to fulfill your requests for items such as general information, reports, and newsletters. We will use your gender, birth, and current location information to provide you with the astrological reports and services you request. We require credit card information to complete your order through globally accepted Payment gateways.

Adding Users Under Your Membership

For our members, allows you to run reports on additional users you are interested in viewing astrological data for. will let you run reports on all your additional users. In order to do this, we need to collect their 1) name, 2) birth/gender information, 3) and current location information. All of this information will be used for reporting and service delivery purposes only. websites employ the use of “cookies.” A cookie is a small text file that our web server places on a user’s computer hard drive to be a unique identifier. Cookies enable to track usage patterns and deliver customized content and offer Services, Products, and Solutions to our Members (users).

Our cookies do not collect personally identifiable information does not divulge any personally identifiable information about registered Members (users) or members to outside parties for any reason (with the exception of a request made for such information [which is legally warranted and presented in person] by an official law enforcement official or agency).

Part II. Information Usage

The information collected by is used for our websites only. Registered Members (users) may receive additional announcements from us about site news, events, Service, Product and Program Offerings, private messages, uploaded photos, blog posts, and website updates. Out of respect for the privacy of our registered Members (users), we present the option not to receive these types of communications.

We do offer links to other websites. Please note: When you click on links to other websites, we encourage you to read their privacy policies. Their standards may differ from ours.

Because our websites also offer user-submitted posts and comments, please be advised that information posted in these venues becomes public knowledge with the submittal of any information or images contained therein.

We reserve the right to update our website privacy policy without notice. We reserve the right to remove user-submitted information or images without user consent or notice meeting any legal purposes. We also reserve the right to add or remove site features without notice.

Part III. Access to Information

At, we are committed to creating high-quality services, and we are interested in building long-lasting relationships with our customers. Relationships are built on trust, so if you ever question what data has been collected or you may want to change the personal information you may do so by accessing your online account anytime if you have registered with us.

We empower individuals (our Members) and give them control over their personal data.

These include the ability to access their own personal data, require rectification of inaccurate data, object to direct marketing, and challenge automated decisions about them; it also confers significant additional new rights for individuals.

Right to be Forgotten

Individuals have a new right to require the data controller to erase all personal data held about them in certain circumstances, such as where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. There are a number of exemptions to this right, for example, concerning freedom of expression and compliance with legal obligations.

Right to Data Portability

This is a new concept under the GDPR and allows Individuals to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services. The personal data must be made available in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

Registered users who wish to delete their information from our database are always welcome to notify us by email to aat our dedicated Privacy help center from the website, where our team will be more than happy to assist you.

*If at any point you do not wish to receive further emails from us, you can just unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of every email.

We apply the principles of data protection by design and by default.

Part IV. Problem Resolution

Data Breach Notification

Appropriate protective measures – essentially encryption – are in place to eliminate danger to data subjects. It is mandatory for us to report any data breach to our supervisory authority and Data Subjects within 72 hours of becoming aware of it.

If problems arise from your use of this website, please feel free to email At

Cookies Policy

What is Cookie, and why do we use Cookies?

On our website, we are using ‘cookies’ to collect information about the users visiting the website. Cookies are small information files saved in your browser when you visit a site. These cookies help us to give better user experience throughout the website

Cookies are used by our website to provide you with a more personal and customized experience on our website. The information that is collected via cookies is used to make the website experience more personal and relevant to your needs.

The primary main use of cookies is to give you a customized experience of the website and for the smooth user flow when using our website

When a user browses our website, we are likely to store some of the information in the form of cookies on your computers. Our website uses cookies created with this purpose to deliver our services and to show you relevant services and products. It gives you an improved and personalized usage of the content and provides you the content that is relevant to your interest in all your future visits to our website.

How to delete cookies?

Please read the article to know: